CLT Networks
Australia Community Land Trust Network
Our aims are to support the establishment of CLTs as a viable and secure housing model across Australia by:
- Being a clearinghouse of information which makes information freely available.
- Sharing knowledge, resources and know-how by supporting a collective learning.
- Promoting community land trusts as a viable housing choice for low to middle income earners.
- Working with key stakeholders and decision makers to encourage the establishment of CLTs in Australia.
Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts
The Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts is the convening place for CLTs across Canada.
To support the growth of community land trusts with the primary purpose of acquiring, developing, and/or stewarding permanently affordable housing, land, and other assets that contribute to a thriving community.
A Canadian CLT sector that is well-connected, enabled by government policy and funding, and driving a major increase in the national share of non-market housing assets.
Community Land Trust Network of England and Wales
We are the membership body for CLTs across England and Wales. Our mission is to mainstream the community ownership of affordable housing and land in public policy and market practice.
We would like to see a CLT in every community across the country that wants one, ensuring affordable homes and community owned assets which will remain in community hands forever.
Supporting individual CLTs. To make this happen we provide support and services to individual CLTs. We are the national membership body for CLTs in England and Wales, and we bring them together.
Working with others. We know we can’t make our vision happen on our own. So working with others is at the core of our ethos. We work with partners at a strategic and policy level, locally and nationally to create the right environment. On the ground, we offer services collaboratively with others to ensure CLTs have access to the support they need to succeed.
European Community Land Trust Network
We want Community Land Trusts to be recognised as a mainstream option for affordable, inclusive and sustainable land use and housing across Europe in order to demonstrate innovative approaches to delivering both social and environmental impact.
To enable the growth of CLTs across Europe and support them to maximise their long-term social and environmental impact.
Foncier Solidaire France
Le réseau Foncier Solidaire France s’est constitué en association lors d’une assemblée générale constitutive le 15 février 2021.
Le fonctionnement de l’Association s’inscrit dans les valeurs exposées dans la charte d’orientation du réseau de novembre 2018, annexée aux présents statuts. Il se veut à la fois engageant et souple, préservant la liberté d’expérimentation et d’articulation à chaque contexte local, respectant ainsi la diversité des modèles à la fois statutaires et de gouvernance des OFS.
Au sein de Foncier Solidaire – France, les OFS agréés, nourris de valeurs communes s’engagent avec le soutien du ministère de tutelle et, le cas échéant, avec le soutien de leurs structures fédératives, à promouvoir et soutenir le développement d’un mode de production du logement durablement abordable.
Grounded Solutions Network (US)
State and Regional Networks
Grounded Solutions Network supports strong communities from the ground up. We work nationally, connecting local experts with the networks, knowledge, and support they need. We help promote housing solutions that will stay affordable for generations.
Our Mission
Our mission is to cultivate communities — equitable, inclusive and rich in opportunity — by advancing affordable housing solutions that last for generations.
Our Vision
Grounded Solutions Network seeks a future where everyone has access to a home they can afford in economically and racially diverse communities of opportunity that foster better health, academic, and economic outcomes.
Our History
Grounded Solutions Network was formed in 2016 through the merger of the National Community Land Trust Network and Cornerstone Partnership.
Termo Territorial Coletivo (Brazil)
O projeto Termo Territorial Coletivo, desenvolvido pela ComCat em parceria com diversos órgãos públicos, instituições privadas, universidades e lideranças comunitárias, é inspirado pelo modelo dos Community Land Trusts, existente há várias décadas e presente em diversos países no mundo. Trata-se de modelo com o potencial de oferecer maior segurança fundiária e fortalecimento comunitário para assentamentos informais.
Esse modelo de organização local permite que moradores tenham a titulação individual de suas casas, ao mesmo tempo em que mantêm uma pessoa jurídica – criada e gerenciada por moradores – que tem a propriedade da terra. Essa pessoa jurídica não pode vender a terra, devendo administrá-la de modo a garantir moradia acessível economicamente de forma perpétua. O modelo oferece o maior nível de segurança fundiária possível, permitindo o desenvolvimento coletivo do território enquanto preserva o direito individual dos moradores de vender, alugar ou dar em garantia suas casas.