Category Agriculture

Additional Resources

This section provides a variety of tools that will be helpful in implementing CLT-based approaches to urban farming — as well as to anyone interested in securing long-term land tenure for urban agriculture. We have provided nine case studies of CLTs involved in…

The Central Server Model

The Central Server Model is an approach that has been developed within the community land trust movement to facilitate the rapid scaling of citywide approaches to permanently affordable housing, striking a balance between neighborhood control and leveraging the expertise of larger…

The Role of Land Trusts

Over the past thirty years, the land trust has emerged as a preferred model for holding land for community gardens and urban farms. This reflects the convergence of two trends: the creation of specialized open space land trusts to conserve land…

The Role of Nonprofits

As in other areas of community economic development, the nonprofit sector has a special role to play when it comes to kick-starting urban farming. Urban agriculture is a relatively low-cost approach to community revitalization, with the cost of investment lower…

Key Concepts

In laying the groundwork for scaleable models of land tenure for urban farming, some key concepts warrant further exploration, which are addressed in the subpages of this section.


The Need for Affordable Land The high cost of urban relative to rural land poses a major problem for would-be urban farmers. Unlike rural farmers, they are competing for land with a multitude of other potential users, which in turn…