Category Case Studies

OPAL Community Land Trust

Established in 1989 (Orcas Island, Washington) Profile contributed by Vicki Brems and Lisa Byers (2015) In the 1980s, rapid population growth and escalating real estate values threatened the quality of life valued by residents of Orcas Island. Located one-hour by…

Lopez Community Land Trust

Established in 1989 (Lopez Island, Washington) Profile contributed by Rhea Miller (2015) They said it couldn’t be done – provide homeownership opportunities for people earning less than 60% of median income – so, of course, as islanders, we decided to…

Dudley Neighbors Inc.

Established in 1988 (Boston, Massachusetts) Narrative contributed by John Emmeus Davis, edited by Harry Smith (2015) Dudley Neighbors Inc. (DNI) is the name given to the community land trust formed in 1988 to serve the Roxbury/North Dorchester area of Boston, Massachusetts.…

Community Land Trust Bruxelles

Established in 2012 (Brussels, Belgium) Profile contributed by Geert De Pauw (2015) The Community Land Trust Bruxelles (CLTB) was formally incorporated in 2012, after four years of planning and organizing, an initiative led by activists from several existing housing and…

Champlain Housing Trust

Established in 1984 (Burlington, Vermont) Profile contributed by Brenda Torpy (2015) The Champlain Housing Trust (CHT) was born in a small city with a big idea: by creating a stock of permanently affordable housing everyone could have access to a…

Athens Land Trust

Established in 1994 (Athens, Georgia) Profile contributed by Nancy Stangle (2015) Starting around 1993, Skipper StipeMaas and Nancy Stangle were part of a group of about 10 families who were establishing a community on 132 acres near Athens, Georgia. The community…

Albany Community Land Trust

Established in 1987 (Albany, New York) Profile contributed by Kirby White (2015) The Albany Community Land Trust was launched in the 1980s through the efforts of United Tenants of Albany (UTA), whose staff had become interested in the community development…