Kenya and South Africa
Community Land Trusts first emerged in the Global South in Voi, Kenya with the Tanzania-Bondeni Community Land Trust. And there is emerging interest in applying the CLT model in South Africa as well.
- English
- Seeding the CLT in Africa: Lessons from the Early Efforts to Establish Community Land Trusts in Kenya, Claire Simmoneau and Ellen Bassett, with Emmanuel Midheme, On Common Ground, Terra Nostra Press, 2020
- Community Land Trust – Voi, Kenya, Claire Simonneau, UMR Géographie-cités, with Emmanuel Midheme, Maseno University, Sharlet Mkabili, Maseno University, Severiano Odhiambo, Maseno University. Geographie-Cités Research Laboratory, 2018
- Pushing back the frontiers of property: Community land trusts and low-income housing in urban Kenya, Emmanuel Midheme, Frank Moulaert, Land Use Policy, November 2013
- The Persistence of the Commons: Economic Theory and Community Decision-Making on Land Tenure in Voi, Kenya, Ellen Bassett, African Studies Quarterly, Spring 2007
- Tinkering with tenure: the community land trust experiment in Voi, Kenya, Ellen M. Bassett, Habitat International, 2005
- Institutions and informal settlements: The planning implications of the Community Land Trust experiment in Kenya, Ellen M. Bassett, dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001
- Community-based tenure reform in urban Africa: the community land trust experiment in Voi, Kenya, Ellen M Bassett, Harvey M. Jacobs, Land Use Policy, July 1997
- French
- Simonneau, Claire, Éric Denis, Issa Sory. 2019. Quel potentiel pour les approches coopératives et collectives pour l’habitat populaire? Éléments du débat, grille d’analyse et exemples burkinabé et Kenyan. Afrique Contemporaine, 2019.
- Simonneau, Claire, Le Community Land Trust aux États-Unis, au Kenya et en Belgique. Canaux de circulation d’un modèle alternatif et jeu d’intertextualité, Riurba, 2018
- Community Land Trust, Kenya, UN-Habitat, 2009
South Africa
- Community land trusts and social inclusion, Heinz Klug and Neil Klug, from Politics and Community-Based Research: Perspectives from Yeoville Studio, Johannesburg, Wits University Press, 2019