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- History of the CLT Movement
- Interviews
- Bob Swann (1973)
- Bob Swann (1992)
- Charles Sherrod (1982)
- David Ireland and Jerry Maldonado (2020)
- Gus Newport (2020)
- John Emmus Davis (2011)
- Liz Alden Wily (2020)
- Los Fideicomisos Comunitarios de Tierra y los Valores que Aportan al Colectivo Humano (2020)
- Pioneers of New Communities (1971)
- Ralph Borsodi (1974)
- Roz Greenstein (2007)
- Securing Land Rights: CLTs in Informal Settlements (2020)
- Manuals and Guides
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- Roots of the CLT
- Roots of the CLT Movement
- Timeline of the CLT Movement
- US State Law Database
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- Terra Nostra Press
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- Catalog
- Community Land Trust Applications in Urban Neighborhoods
- Community Land Trusts and Informal Settlements in the Global South
- Community Matters
- En terreno común
- Impactful Development and Community Empowerment
- La inseguridad de la tenencia de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe
- On Common Ground
- Porqué el fideicomiso comunitario de tierras ?
- Reweaving the Tapestry of Tenure
- The Growth of Community Land Trusts in England and Europe
- Why Community Land Trusts?
- Editorial Board
- News and Reviews
- What CLTs Do
- What Is a Community Land Trust?
- A Personal Journey Toward Housing Equity and Justice
- Can CLTs Play a Role in Climate Policy?
- Introduction to Using CLTs to Deliver Energy Renovation and Permanent Affordability to Existing Housing
- Introduction to Youth Power and Leadership in Community Land Trust Practice
- Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Releases Report on Preserving Affordable Homeownership Through Community Land Trusts
- Mentorship in Action: Empowering Youth Leadership in CLTs – A Tribute to Gus Newport
- Resources for Meaningful Youth Engagement in CLTs
- Supporting the Upcycling Trust Project: A Researcher’s Perspective
- Webinar Recap: Youth Power and Leadership in CLT Practice